Thursday 27 October 2011


'Lets not reach for the moon, when we have the stars'

Don't you just love old films on a cold miserable rainy day.  I can't remember what film it's from but I can see Bette Davies saying it with her huge eyes.  I watched 2 films today, although they were both modern.  The first was Dear John, which is known for making people cry and I hated it.  I didn't find the characters very convincing and once I noticed how far apart Amanda Seyfried's eyes were I struggled to even think of her as human.  Stupidly, I watched Letters from Juliet next, which made me want to go back to Italy but the leading actress was Amanda Seyfried and I kept wondering if she is able to see around corners without moving her head.  These girls in films are so stupid.  Why on earth do they reject a perfectly nice, hard-working Italian man who is passionate and can cook for a foppish, repressed Brit., with a nice grandmother?

I made some star biscuits today.  It was the first recipe I've tried from my new Great British Bake Off book.  Lemon Iced Biscuits.  They have full fat soft cheese in and I'm sure are really fattening - especially if you eat 18 of them as I have today.  It was a nice easy recipe that you can make into any shape.

My Star Royal Albert Hall soloists came round for a rehearsal today and so I wanted some star shaped biscuits to give them after their hard work.

With the left over biscuit dough I made a special shape to remind myself not to eat too many.

It didn't work!