Saturday 15 October 2011

Another Saturday Another University

It's been a really good day.

The university we went to see wasn't too far away and she liked it a lot.  Kent University at the Medway Campus has such an inspiring head of Journalism.  When we were talking to him and he said that he used to work on the Today Programme I was very close to squealing, "Oh, I love the Today Programme!"  The long-suffering-husband had a similar reaction when he said that he's set up Talk Sport!
The Students were all lovely too.  We kept being told about a girl who had just won a prestigious journalism prize through The Independent.  Now, you would imagine that someone that brilliant would be just a little bit stuck-up but we happened to ask her for directions and she was completely normal.  She gave us probably the most useful bit of advice of the day, "Gillingham is a shit-hole"  (As a town to go and get some food)

It was the first University we have visited where the VC gave the correct information about £9000 fees.  The first one to say that you are never going to pay it all back so you shouldn't worry about it.  The first to say that if you have the money in the bank to pay it back you should leave it there!

Because it was only a short day I had time to get lost in Hobbycraft for nearly 2 hours.  I was tempted to buy a book of knitted vegetable patterns but I resisted.

This evening we went to see the local Drama group perform 3 Episodes from Blackadder, which was jolly spiffingly good.  It has inspired me to watch all the Episodes again. I've already discovered that the BBC has a brilliant Blackadder quote generator
Edmund pretending to be mad

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