Wednesday 2 November 2011

You know it's a bad day when....

You know it's a bad day when you put your bra on back to front and it fits better, goes the old joke.  A slightly odd man I worked with once, used to say, 'You know it's a bad day when your Serotonin levels are low.'  I don't think he understood the concept of a joke!

Today, though, my serotonin levels must have been through the floor.  It was a bad night, I kept having to wake myself up because I was singing a Michael Buble song and it was driving me mad. I might not have met him yet but if I do I might just punch him!  The day didn't get much better.

You know you're having a bad day when you slide on the bathroom floor.
You know you're having a bad day when you call the dog and another dog with the same name appears.
You know you're having a bad day when you put breakfast cereal in the dog's bowl and dog food in your bowl and don't realise until the dog has eaten all your sugar puffs.
You know you're having a bad day when the computer at work is so slow it takes 40 minutes to open a word document.
You know you're having a bad day when the computer flashes a message that says "Lack of Memory"
You know you're having a bad day when your daughter's incompetent form teacher has forgotten to write her reference for the UCAS form.
You know you're having a bad day when you start to read Roald Dhal's Cinderella Revolting Rhyme to a class of 7 & 8 year olds and are half way through a word before you realise it's SLUT!
You know you're having a bad day when you get lost driving home from Chelmsford
You know you're having a bad day when you drive on the wrong side of the road thinking it's a duel carriageway.

This was my day.

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