Saturday 19 November 2011

Please stop baking Mum

My family are fed up.  Literally 'fed' up.  They are full of cake, biscuits and pies.

They were stupid enough to buy me the Great British Bake Off cookbook for my birthday and then go on diets. I would be quite happy if they said they were only going to eat cake but they seem to think that fruit and vegetables  are the way to go.  What am I going to do with my weekends if I can't do a little bit of baking?

Today I tried the Chocolate Chilli Cake. It was quite an odd recipe because the mix looked like mousse and there seemed to be too much of it.  I'm not sure if I used a tin that was too small, didn't follow the recipe properly or if it wasn't quite right, as it burst over the top and burnt onto the bottom of the oven leaving a sunken top.

One day, I will bake a beautiful looking cake but not today.  It was much darker than the picture in the book but it tastes really nice.

The family can cut very thin slices too. I will be eating thicker slices and probably quite frequently.

The picture in the book must be wrong though.  How can a cake with 100g of 70% cocoa solid chocolate, 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, a tablespoon of black treacle and muscavado sugar in it be so light?

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