Wednesday 9 November 2011

Wednesday Night is Music Night.

What a treat choir was tonight.  We had a master-class from the organisers of the Big Sing, who are in the LCGC.  They have so much talent and energy it was really exciting to be part of.  The keyboard player is a genius - a level of playing I would love to achieve but know is impossible.

During band the subject of concert disasters came up.  Someone had read about a woman who got their piccolo stuck in their hair during a concert and everyone seemed to think that was something that could happen to me.  I have NEVER got my piccolo stuck in my hair (yet).  I have got my flute stuck on my jumper, though.  Tripping is a common problem when coming onto stage - especially if you are wearing a long skirt and high heels.  I am a little big concerned about the Big Sing because in a Gospel choir you are not allowed to be still and I can see disaster looming if I have to sway, click and sing!  At the Royal Albert Hall on Sunday my lack of ability to shimmy was noted.  I knew that as soon as the subject turned to concert disasters my legendary falling through a hole in the stage would be discussed.  It was at a show for a local AmDram group and I was in the band.  We sat at the back of the stage and it was all going really well until the opening of the final show.  The MD had just sent a message that we were ready as I slowly bagan to sink.  I couldn't quite work out what was going on but my legs were heading towards the roof and my head towards the floor.  Obviously, I couldn't let go of my flute and there was panic and hysterics in the rest of the band as they struggled to hold onto my arms and legs to pull me up again before the curtains were fully open.  Flashing your knickers at the audience isn't a good thing for a member of the band to do.

My chair leg had fallen down this hole.  Luckily, I didn't have to play in the first piece as it is almost impossible to blow a flute when you are laughing.

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