Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Name Game

In a class full of Jackies, Susans and Julies I was just one of the crowd.  Even the extra errrr at the end of my name didn't help much.  A girl in my class was called Holly and she was bubbly and vivacious and always seemed a bit different; like Christmas but it's such a common name now I wonder if a Holly feels like one of the crowd.  When we were expecting babies the long-suffering husband and I spent many hours thinking about and laughing about the names we could call our children.  Queeg was a particular favourite for a long time!  At the remembrance service the Senior school wreath was laid by a girl called Poppy.  I don't expect her parents thought they would be letting her in for a lifetime of wreath-laying when they named her.

I've often wondered if your name defines who you are.  Many cultures believe so and wouldn't dream of naming a baby without consulting a numerologist.  The full name you are given at birth is meant to give you a number that is your destiny number.  Give each letter a number A-I, J-R,S-Z = 1-9.  Then you add up the numbers until you get a single digit.  My destiny number is 1, which makes me a leader and anyone who knows me will know how accurate that is. (Heavy sarcasm).

On the radio this morning I heard about a man who was in court today on charges of abduction and child sex offences.  This story wouldn't normally have made the national news but this man's name was Michael Jackson.

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