Friday, 11 May 2012

Unexpected Pleasures

Being able to blog tonight is an unexpected pleasure.  Tonight was our Youth Orchestra AGM and because we have such lovely parents we were done after 22 minutes.  If there was an entry in the Guinness book of records for shortest AGM we'd be in it.

Going to the pub with my husband and children and the rest of the committee is a post AGM tradition.  Obviously, I only go to the pub once a year.  Whilst, not entirely unexpected it was definitely a pleasure.   Conversation turned to Come Dine with Me and who would be your worst dinner party guest.  We were in surprising agreement.  The contestants on Come Dine with Me are always a little peculiar.  I have never been to a dinner party where the host suddenly decided they are going to demonstrate their juggling skills, or insists that everyone dresses in skimpy nurses outfits, or brings out a friend who is not eating but is going to be the butler until nearly the end of the evening when they suddenly take their clothes off.

It was a colleague's birthday today and in the Assembly the head teacher asked her if she would like to share her birthday plans with the children.  She did, enthusiastically and the children erupted with laughter when she told them that she was going to see her best friend and have a sleepover.  I wasn't expecting to have such a laugh in that assembly.  I was thinking that it's a good job she didn't add, "and we're going to get off our faces!"

The AGM was my second meeting of the day and generally I'm not a fan of meetings.  I often feel as though everyone's time would be better spent actually doing things rather than talking about them but this particular meeting was good.  We sorted out loads of things and I got some badges.  I love a badge!

This meeting meant that I wasn't in school at break time but when I got back to school there was one piece of Rocky Road left and it was delicious.

And then there was a chip butty

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