Sunday 12 February 2012

Sun Sea and Depressed Parents

Who do program makers think they are kidding?

At the suggestion of our 18 year old daughter, who has booked her first summer holiday with friends, we watched Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents.  Are we really meant to believe that those kids don't know their parents are there?  Why do they think the cameras are following them around?  Why do they look into the camera, pout and say, "my mum would be so cross if she could see this now!" And the parents!  Why? Why do they want to watch their children get drunk and do slightly stupid things?  You hope they are sensible but.....well......we've all been young.

I missed out on the delights of a girls holiday.  I'm not a loyal friend.  More of a serial friend maker (a bit like a serial killer only less sinister) and at 18 I didn't really have anyone I'd consider going away with.  After that, it was student debt and a boyfriend/husband/children that stopped me.  The long suffering husband does have slightly embarrassing stories of excessive drinking, eating, flirting and general bad behaviour in Ibiza.

The program was so depressing.  Not because the kids got drunk and had sex and let fire extinguishers off, we expected that.  No, on the contrary, it was depressing because it only seems like yesterday we were young enough to wear skimpy swimwear all day and night without being embarrassed, drink cocktails until 6am and still be on the beach by midday.

This year we can't afford a foreign holiday as we are saving for 18 year old's University accommodation, so we will have 2 nights in Edinburgh, wearing jumpers and mosquito spray.

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