Saturday 21 January 2012

The Wrath of God

Apart from being omniscient and omnipresent God is also meant to be quite a violent chap.

 When he sees the Devil in humans he is meant to be able to punish them. Not content with a spell on the naughty step he sends floods, fires, plagues and sometimes gets a bit creative;  Lot's wife was turned to a pillar of salt, which is quite a trick. In the Old Testament, the Israelites get killed the most often (no wonder they feel persecuted), sometimes just for complaining about being punished.  Most bizarrely, a bear is sent by God to maul 42 youths to death after they mocked Ellisha's bald head (the long-suffering husband might like to point this fact out to the children!).  He seems to get kinder in the New Testament and just sends the angel of death to a few people who fail worship him.

Maybe he has become even kinder now and just puts splinters into the non-believers.

At a beautiful memorial concert at a local church, my daughter slid along the pew only to get a rather large splinter in her leg.
The Pew - The splinter was thrown away quickly but the hole it left remains forever.

I don't know what she has done to deserve it (and I'm not going to ask) but she is usually good, kind, hardworking and generally quite lovely (apart from an obsession with cats) and so I think I should take extra care at the moment because the punishment for this blasphemous blog may be much worse than a splinter.

1 comment:

  1. basically the thing we should learn from this incident is that you should buy me a cat? yeah? That was the point of this blog right...;)
