Thursday 26 November 2020

Seasonal Balance

 My yoga this morning contained balancing postures and I can report that I am very wobbly at the moment. It’s like my body is shouting, “Hah, balance! What’s that?” 

I don’t suppose I’m alone. The government announced that we were all in tier 404 yesterday and now none of us know where we really stand, or even if we’ve got enough balance to actually stand.

Yesterday was the day that the government were supposed to have completed looking at the data to decide which tier each region would be in. Put simply, in all tiers everything except pubs and clubs are open. Clubs aren’t open anywhere and pubs only in tier one and in two, only if you eat. You can’t have any human contact, though in any of their tiers and are not even allowed to see people you like at a distance, if you sing happy birthday while washing your hands, jog around doing the hands, face, space dance, open the windows, dress as Batman or do any of the other three word marketing suggestions that Boris keeps mentioning. He says that he has his foot on the throat of the beast and that we have all been altruistic and just need to carry on until the pricks come marching over the brow of the hill, saving us all by Easter.

Unfortunately, they made the announcement via a website that you had to put your full postcode into to know your tier, causing it to immediately crash. Computer says ,”no,” You are in tier error 404! 

So, we can all be forgiven for feeling a little wobbly.

This is often a tricky season to balance for me. I’m normally, running round, rehearsing, moving furniture and organising 11 Christmas concerts. This year: Nothing. No wonder I feel a bit out of sorts. I have replaced my Christmas busyness with historical research because if you don’t fill the hole then you really will topple over but when you can’t stand on one leg, your body is telling you that your seasonal balance is off. Maybe it’s time to join the rest of the town and put my lights up, deck the halls with boughs of holly , watch Christmas films and eat mince pies.

I’ve just realised that I’m already late. Stir up Sunday was last weekend. I need to make my pudding and get the sprouts onto boil. 

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