Saturday 4 July 2020


I don’t really have anything to write about today. I had a great day yesterday: a couple of walks, one with a camera and one with a friend, a book (Three Women), chips and Frozen 2 on our homemade big screen. (my brain at 3am is Olaf.)  People who liked going to the pub went and I’m sure it all got a bit wild and non-socially distanced but that shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Alcohol makes you hug strangers (that’s its superpower) And the lowest death figures of just 44 were reported.

However, at 3am, my Olaf brain woke me up.
Water has memory, wombat poop is rectangular and Boris Johnson doesn’t do gestures.
How can anyone say they don’t do gestures?
He seems to gesticulate more than most.
What was the 4th of July Independence Pub Opening Day, if it wasn’t a gesture?
Why was Downing Street bathed in blue light, if it wasn’t a gesture?
What was all that giving carers the clap about, if it wasn’t a gesture?
What were the pushups for the Daily Mail?
The Brexit Bulldozer?
The zip wire?”
The tim tams?
The painted aeroplane tail?

But kneeling down because you’d like people in authority to treat people with dark skin the same way as they treat people with light skin and not kill them is the one gesture he doesn’t believe in?
The implication then, is that it’s the message he doesn’t agree with.

To be honest, if I was him, I’m not sure I’d want to get down on one knee. It’s not a very dignified position. It puts you at a disadvantage (which I’m sure is the point) and would make most men in their fifties fear they’d never get up again. I’m not sure police officers on duty should ‘take the knee’ because it would make them less effective at their job. They are much less likely to be able to protect people from that position. Maybe, he would be better off having a conversation about the gesture, rather than saying he doesn’t believe in gestures. It’s time to stop judging people by the colour of their skin and judge them by their actions. The world is not binary. It’s not them vs us. People come in many shades of skin and behaviour.

I have a good gesture in response to his suggestion that he doesn’t do gestures.

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