Wednesday 20 June 2012

Too Numerous Too Mention

I was mentioned in the local paper this week.  There was a review of Little Shop of Horrors and it said, "The production was masterminded by Kris Rawlinson, who also masterminded a group of 12 musicians too numerous to mention by name." Apart from making Kris seem like an evil genius (a double mastermind)  it does seem strange to write the number of musicians and then say there were too many to name.

I quite like being too numerous too mention.  It appeals to me to just be getting on with loads of things without the need for ego massaging.  In the same paper was a letter from someone complaining that the choir they sing with wasn't mentioned the last time they sang.  Maybe they are too numerous to mention.  

I'm thinking of starting a "Too Numerous to Mention Award".  It could go to the people who are the glue.  Those who work hard, those who don't normally get awards or pay rises or even get to keep their hours.  The mothers, the workers, the little people.  Children who just get on with their work, who don't cause trouble, don't need shed-loads of praise to do a good job.  The people who smile, who look for the positive rather than endlessly moaning about what could have been better. 

But I can see that the interest lies in the 10% of people that don't deserve this award.  Today, one of the 10% made me snigger in a lesson I was teaching.  We were doing football songs (if you can't beat them....) and this child said, "When the football is on in our house my Dad keeps shouting w****ker at the TV."

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