Tuesday 26 June 2012

And my Superhero Power will be.......

If you could choose one Superhero power what would you choose?

My daughter said, "I'd like to be able to conjure up any food I thought of."  That would be rather useful, as she is about to go to University and last night's pasta that she cooked was a little crunchy.  It would save a fortune too.

The dog would like some control over the weather.  He doesn't like the rain and today is just too hot.

The Long Suffering Husband would like the Midas touch.  Turning me to gold would have the added benefit of stopping me talking.

But I would choose invisibility.

Sometimes I think I'm quite good at it anyway.  At the weekend we went to a BBQ with the cast of the Shakespeare and people kept coming up to me and saying,"We haven't met before......I know the face.....I think.....Ah, Ben's Mum."  This was quite surprising, as I have done front of house jobs for at least 5 years.  People rarely remember me or my name.  Someone I have known for years calls me Hillary everytime she sees me and at the final one of 15 meetings the chap in charge called me Fran. I'm not a huge fan of meetings.  I don't know if you remember Ally McBeal but in the first episode she imagined herself as a little girl, swinging her legs round a board-table full of grown up men.  That is how meetings make me feel.  At those moments I long for invisibility.

Today I met someone I haven't seen for a long time in town.  After the initial how-are-yous she said, "So, you've been busy with the music stuff I keep seeing your name everywhere." Oh no how embarrassing!  "You love it!" she said.  Yes, I do love doing the music stuff but seeing my name everywhere, that's no fun for anyone.  I've never understood why people want fame.  People point and whisper, look into your shopping trolley, or call your name across the street.  Imagine that on a bigger scale. Hideous.

The problem is that I like to do things that people look at.  I like to make music and write.  A friend told me I should start sending my writing out but I think this blog is more than enough.  I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me today when my hairdresser started discussing my 50 Shades of Rubbish blog.

When I was much younger there was a program on the TV called Soap.  It was an American sitcom and one of the characters would click his fingers across his body and everyone would pretend they couldn't see him.  I think it had something to do with Alien abduction.


Ok, so he was mad and so was Ally McBeal, after all she was followed around by a dancing baby but I would still choose invisibility.

Maybe I should write under a pseudonym.  How about Fran Hillary?

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