Monday 2 April 2012

Holiday Bickering

When you are at school every day, the holiday's shimmer on the horizon like an Oasis, just slightly out of reach.  The first few days of a school holiday are spent in pyjama defence mode.  Don't get dressed.  Don't do anything.  Don't even get out of bed.  Watch stupid TV.  Eat rubbish food.

Then the weekend is over.

As an adult, there are still plenty of things to do:  Lie in bed, read a book, knit, practise the piano, read a bit more, clean the house, do some ironing, walk the dog, go for a swim, dig the allotment, go for a coffee, read a bit more, make a cake, wash up, clean out a cupboard that you haven't been able to shut for the last 6 weeks, paint your nails, clean the bath, have a bath, go for a swim, have a sauna, go to the pub.  In fact the list is endless.  But when you are a child and you've spent 2 days in your pyjamas, finished the one small piece of homework and watched the Wizards of Waverley Place for the 8th time boredom starts to set in.

That's when a sister is particularly useful.  When I was a child, my sister and I used to have some amazing squabbles in the holidays.  I remember both of us falling down the stairs as we fought over a pair of knickers.  I often used to wonder why my mum didn't get more involved as we screamed and shouted at each other.  Now, I know that like I was this morning, she was probably hiding in her room, pulling the duvet over her head and just having to read another chapter rather than risk taking sides.

The Long Suffering Husband's sister is meant to have held a knife to his throat during one long school holiday.  He doesn't remember it but their old neighbour used to swear it was true.

Squabbling has changed so much.  No death threat were made in my house this morning.  There was no wrestling or falling down the stairs.  No knives were wielded.  Oh no, something much worse happened.

He threatened to delete her as his Facebook friend.

Then he deleted her.

So she hacked into his account and accepted herself as his friend again.

After this happened 4 times he was really mad.  I was thinking I would have to go and lock away the knives but I forgot that we live in a house full of musical instruments.  Piano was thumped, recorders were blown, drums banged.


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