Sunday 27 December 2020

On the second day of Cheesemas

 It’s the second day of Cheesemas. This is the day where you start to lose track of time and the only effective way to mark the days is to notice how much cheese is left in the fridge. 

In my yoga workout this morning, Adrienne randomly said, “Life is good and so is food.”

Yesterday, on the first day of cheesemas (also known as books-in day) I sprinkled a little grated cheddar on my bubble and squeak, tucked into the cheeseboard at lunch after a Turkey sandwich and cheese balls and then continued to eat cheese, reading books until it was time to roll off the sofa and go to bed. We watched Soul together as a family and thought it was a bit depressing.

On the second day of cheesemas there is still an unbelievable amount of cheese in the fridge, despite the amount eaten it looks like a very tiny mouse has nibbled at the corner of each. This is not the time to give up. Your cheese stomach is not yet full, you don’t have to start hiding it in other dishes.

In other news. On the second day of cheesemas Priti Patel announced that the first law post Brexit that we are going to make that the EU said we couldn’t is to bring back the death penalty and 210 people were recorded as having died from Covid on Christmas Day. That’s Christmas Day! I don’t want to bring the mood down but what is wrong with this country?

Sorry. I just had to get that off my chest. Back to the cheese and books. There is, after all, only ten more days until the cheese is all gone and we head back to school, where you definitely can’t catch Covid.

The second day of cheesemas will have to include a long walk and an attempt at a more positive attitude.

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