Sunday 2 May 2021

The shopping trolley of truth

 There will be a lot of anger directed at the political editor of the BBC today. People don’t like her anyway. She’s a woman, has a Scottish accent and a wonky mouth. People accuse her of being pro-government. Other people accuse her of being anti. I guess this must mean that she’s neutral, or tries to be.

The problem with walking the neutrality line is that it can be confusing.

Anyway, she has written an article about Boris Johnson’s lying. She says that all politicians have a ‘complicated relationship’ with the truth.  but she has rarely met one that openly lies.

She says that they mis-direct and obfuscate (which is just what her article is doing). Boris is a master of baffling concealment with his large lexicon of words (or verbiage, as she calls it). Even the people who work with him find that by the time they’ve worked out what he’s saying he has left the room, she says. In the article she tells us that his staff refer to him by the shopping trolley emoji in WhatsApp messages.

Whatever you think about the Prime Minister this is a damning image. Shopping trolleys are full of holes and impossible to control. 

She concludes that he’s not actually lying because he has a weird selective memory where he genuinely can’t remember what he said a few days before.

You might read the article differently but I think it could be quite damaging. Who wants an out of control shopping trolley leading the country?

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