Saturday 22 May 2021

My part in her downfall

 Spike Milligan wrote a wonderfully funny book called, “Hitler: my part in his downfall.” I read it when I was about 14 and loved it. It is actually the first volume of his war memories trilogy but is written in a exquisite concise and witty way. However, it was the title that stuck with me more than anything. The idea that a jazz trumpet playing bi-polar comedian could have had a part in the downfall of Hitler seemed both ridiculous and exciting.

The news is currently full of BBC bashing and Princess Diana. I have some thoughts about all of this but it is my part in Diana’s downfall that has worried me more than anything.

These are my initial thoughts.

1. The whole BBC aren’t responsible for an editorial decision made by one programme.

2. It’s tricky to judge past behaviour by current standards.

3. The BBC did give Diana a chance to tell her own story.

4. Charles had previously done an interview confessing his affair.

5. Victorian Broadmoor was full of women suffering from ‘domestic troubles’ . The way men treat women in marriage can make them mad.

6. Calling your sister, mother or ex-wife crazy after they have died (in a car accident - not suicide) feels like a cruel re-framing of the past.

7. The BBC weren’t the news organisation that the paparazzi chasing the car we’re planning the sell their pictures to.

8. The country’s Diana/Royal obsession is bordering on pathology.

9. The Panorama programme obviously used unethical methods to get the interview.

10. Diana’s life, unhappy marriage and death obviously affected her children.

11. The BBC enjoys self-flagillation a little too much.

12. Piers Morgan is a two faced hypocritical twerp, unless I’m wrong and he never lied to someone to get a story.

13. Enquiries into public bodies seem to take far too long.

14. Diana isn’t here to say how she felt about it. I would be far more comfortable if it was her that was making the complaint. 

15. Grief is shit, long lasting and life altering.

I had these thoughts and then I read the reports. Journalism has been awful. It has completely trampled over people to tell stories. It has lied and cheated and not considered the impact this will have on them. 

In the reports they published some handwritten notes, which show some of the lies told.

I can’t answer for MI6 or the other people mentioned but I am concerned about point number 5.

“Caking thing fed by Julia C.”

It’s true. I can’t deny it. Caking things are my speciality. At the time I was only a teenager and just developing my cake making skills. Any I made could definitely be described as caking things and you all know how much I like to share.

Obviously, it’s all my fault. I would like to apologise, unreservedly to all concerned. 

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