Sunday 2 May 2021

National Disappointment

 Last week I wrote that we were all going to be slightly disappointed, whoever H turned out to be and I got that wrong. Most people were outraged. They expected better from Jed Mercurio. He’s a good writer, surely he could have written the ending everyone wants.

I am one of the few people that actually quite liked it. 

I feel I should whisper that or at least now run and hide. You are all going to be really cross with me. 

The thing is that endings are hard. Especially when everyone is so invested. And he wrote it at the beginning, before we all leapt in with our suggestions. 

It was the wee donkey.

@knitsOnStix nails the final scenes

I liked that. Police corruption isn’t a huge thing, it was just an act of bumbling incompetence, from someone who had been promoted to a position higher than his abilities.

People have said that it’s a reflection of the current government but it’s probably just a good observation of life.

I was a bit disappointed, at the point of the no comment scene but I was over it by the end. I think I’m one of those people that was just happy to be there. Glad to be invited. No expectations.

“Thank you for having me, it was a lovely party.”

Social events rarely live up to their expectations but you still have to say thank you. It would be rude to say, “Well that was a waste of time. I should have stayed at home with my book.”

I did think that witness protection looked lovely, which is an easy error for writers to make. They give their favourite characters happy endings that they might deserve but would never get in real life. I forgive him for that. 

We were supposed to be happy that the gang of three were back together but half the nation were cross that Chloe wasn’t somebody’s daughter and the other half furious that the trio didn’t even take her for a drink when she solved everything.

Whatever you thought about it. We have all been given a reminder that time spent watching telly is always wasted but oh how we love to waste our time.

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