Wednesday 13 January 2021

Make mine a Brazillian

 "Did you hear that there's another new variant?" I asked the Long Suffering Husband.

I asked him if he heard because he gets his news from the TV.  I had read about it. With it's snappy new title 20J/501Y/V3.  It's not a surprise.  Every time a virus goes into a person it has a chance to change.  An effective virus, like this one, will be able to establish itself all over the world by making tiny errors in its genome to make itself more transmissible and also less likely to kill it's host before it has spread. 

He hadn't.

"It's the Brazilian version."

He laughed.

"Oh yes and the absolutely most important thing for us to do is keep allowing flights in from Brazil.  I mean, everyone wants a Brazilian, don't they?

He laughed again.

Later on in the afternoon, the LSH came into where I was working.  He'd watched the news.

"I thought you were joking," he said, "It's not a joke about the Brazilian, is it?"

Brazilian variant - like the British version but sunburnt and less hairy

It turns out that Boris has been told about it and thinks it's very worrying because it might also be vaccine resistant, which would make Priti Patel's words of, "We're going to vaccine everyone," less calming than she intended.  He told Yvette Cooper that he was going to ask the new variant lots of questions and then put it on the naughty step.  She suggested that shutting the borders might be more useful but he just insisted that the government were taking the steps to the airport.

I don't know about you but I'm totally convinced that they've got this and we'll all be back to normal by Easter.  At least they've stopped direct flights from Brazil because no one ever takes interconnecting flights for long trips like that. Come in.  Welcome.  It's good to share.  

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