Saturday 23 January 2021

Day of long shadows

 I missed a day. The only thing that caught my attention to write about were the outfits at the presidential inauguration of Joe Biden and the amazing photoshopping efforts of the world, putting Bernie Sanders with his mittens in places where you wouldn’t expect. I didn’t write about them because they seemed frivolous and I was feeling serious.

I’m not often in a serious mood, so today it seems weird that I wouldn’t have written about it.

I was in a good mood but had little time for the trivia of life. The sun was out, I was ahead with my work and so it was a perfect day for a long walk, which helps with perspective. It was a day of long shadows. 

By the evening we had another Boris to look forward to and I had heard some bad news from a couple of friends. The decision to be serious was feeling like less fun. The briefing gave more bad news: an indication that this pandemic is probably going to run the full two year cycle that plague historians warned about. Worryingly, Boris was clear. There were no metaphors, Latin phrases or Greek myths. The virus is more transmissible and causes more people to die, including those who are younger and not necessarily on the vulnerable list. Oh bugger! 

Confucius said, “The end of the day is near when small men make long shadows.”

Somehow, that felt like a metaphor for the day. 

Now I’m making up my own. 


So, anyway. Tic Toc - Sea Shanties. Bernie Sanders gloves and the many coats of political women of America. Frivolous seems like the perfect retreat. 

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