Tuesday 28 June 2016

In support of the leavers

I know I need to stop blogging about all this politics stuff. You all want to hear funny stories about children who say amusing things in flute lessons but I can't do it. They're not even making me smile much at the moment. I expect some of you, knowing that I am in full on end of year mode thought I would be writing about the wonderful year six children, who will soon go on to bigger and better things. Sorry. Sometimes I  just need to get things off my chest. (Why do we say that? It's not on my chest. It's in my head)

I did a stupid thing this morning. I was awake early and I stepped out of my bubble and looked at the tweets of Katie Hopkins. I love my bubble. It's full of nice people, who are kind to others and care about each other.

There was a reason. I'm trying to understand. There has been too much division and people are cross and scared.  Leave voters are particularly scared that the decision they made will be overturned by politicians who just can't work out how to leave the EU, getting everything that the country wants from it. Mainly because their promises were lies.

Leave voters are feeling battered by a television media that had a strong commitment to remain. The Daily newspapers are adding to the conflict by telling their readers that they did the right thing and now everyone hates them
 for it. Nigel Farage is adding to it by being a rude, silly little man.  You can't blame the media; a good story is always about conflict and the media are there to entertain.

If you voted to leave the EU for any of the following reasons then you have my full support. I hope that someone in government (if there is still a government at the end of all this) has the ability to invoke article 50 and separate us from that political body for you.

1. The EU is too big. A political body with so many countries in it can never come to a complete agreement and someone will always feel put out.
2. The common currency project isn't working and has caused financial hardship for too many countries.
3. The solution to the Euro problem (5 Presidents report) of a United States of Europe, with banking union, a common budget and political union is a bonkers idea that you don't want the UK or any other country to sign up to.
4. The EU treated Greece really badly over their debt repayment crisis.
5. The EU has become too right ring and is perusing economic policies that would have made Norman Lamont think twice.
6. In the pursuit of a trade agreement with the US (TTip), instead of protecting workers rights they are actively deregulating.
7. The president of the European commission, Jean Claude Junker is a dick.
8. You would like the UKIP party members who were elected to a job they have no interest in doing to lose it and as the public insists on voting them in, leaving the EU seems a viable alternative.
9.  You are concerned that in allowing free movement of people within Europe, the continent has become a fortress which has stopped people from other continents who need to move into it for reasons of money, love or safety from doing so. 
10. You are an anarchist who would like there to be no government and just see how people get on. (Well, maybe not that one but 9 is such a silly number to end on)

However, if you voted to leave to "return to the Britain you knew," where you never saw a brown face or heard another language then you are a deluded racist (even if you think you're not) and I'm not going to let you into my bubble.

People I know who voted leave have been sharing this picture on social media.

I'm not sure if they are subtly trying to tell the world that they've changed their minds.

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