Wednesday 19 June 2013

It's all about the boobs.

All human matter is female.  All human eggs are female. Female is the most important part.  If you don't believe me then just think about nipples - all humans have them.  Why then do I always want to pretend I don't have any?

This week I started Speech Therapy for my voice problem and have been given excercises to do every day - all the time.  Initially, I was sure that stress wasn't part of my problem but it might become so as I struggle to fit in weekly therapy and practising in between to my already busy life.  

Aparently, my problem has been caused by a virus that has left me with extremely tight muscles in my neck, which are pulling my vocal chords apart, making my voice breathy and prone to disappearing if I overuse it, get a bit low or tired.  Most of my excercises are about stretching and releasing muscles in my neck and shoulders and include massage of my neck in particular ways. 

And then there is posture and breathing.  It turns out I'm good at breathing (not much of a surprise for a flautist) but my posture isn't great.  One shoulder is further forward and higher than the other, again not much of a surprise for a flautist.  We had to stand against a wall with our feet, calves, shoulders and head touching and feel how odd it felt.  Once we were used to it we had to walk away from the wall and try to hold the posture.  "Oh, you've sagged in the middle already," she said.  I admit, I am very saggy in the middle. "And your shoulders have slumped forward."  Another member of the group said, "I don't like this I feel like I'm sticking my boobs out like a Supermodel."  It was a lightbulb moment.  Every woman in the groups' shoulders slumped.  None of us felt confident to stick our chests out.  When I got home I practised my posture and the Long Suffering Husband said, "What have you done?  Your boobs have grown."  Obviously, he wasn't complaining but my shoulders automatically slumped and my arms folded across my chest.  

It doesn't feel like much of a choice.  A poorly voice or boobs that enter a room 3 hours before I do.

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