Tuesday 26 December 2023

The first day of cheesemas

 It’s Christmas Day, otherwise known as the first day of Cheesemas. 

It’s a little overwhelming on the cheese front. You have eaten your body weight in Brussels, roast potatoes and have smothered half a jar of your homemade cranberry sauce on the turkey to make it bearable  (why do we have turkey?) You started with a soup or prawn cocktail and followed it with Christmas pudding and custard, brandy butter and cream. You felt obliged to tuck in to stop the host realising that they catered of every relative, living, dead, or eating elsewhere. You are so full you hope someone rolls you to the sofa and allows you to forgo the family game of charades. 

You missed the King’s speech but Christmas Day Doctor Who is a tradition to be savoured. Just as the family is explaining the confusing (why do they do this to us, don’t they know we are in a food coma?) back and forth timelines to each other, someone says, “Oh no, we forgot the cheeseboard.”

You all sit up and pat your bellies earnestly. 

“Oh, I don’t know.”

“I’m still quite full.”

“What about coffee?”

“Oh yes, a coffee would be lovely.”

“And a mince pie?”

“Absolutely! It wouldn’t be Christmas without it.”

“Shall I just open the Stilton then?”

Chunk of Stilton, bite of mine pie, slurp of coffee. The perfect start to the 12 days of Cheesemas. Try it if you don’t believe me. 

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