Tuesday 1 March 2022

I would have followed the rules but…

 I would have followed the rules but *sly look to camera, brush hair from face, adjust polo neck* but I fell in love.

It’s an odd defence from a former health secretary that couldn’t follow his own rules during a pandemic but I totally understand where he’s coming from, and I would do a live telly interview too if I didn’t look terrible in a roll neck sweater.

You see, the same thing has happened to me. I know the rules. I made them. In our house we have pancakes for tea on Shrove Tuesday, never on Ash Wednesday. I’ll be honest, I know the rules. It’s one of mine but tonight I’ll be having pancakes because I didn’t eat any last night. The reason for my crime? I fell in love.

Yes, I know, it seems unlikely but it’s true.

 We had known each other since my Oxford days.

 Our holiday to Oxford was traumatic in more than the usual, campsite flooded/tent blew away kind. That did happen but we also visited some friends of my parents who had a water bed in a bedroom that definitely looked like a sex-cave and my sister lost her teddy, Mo on a park and ride bus. He was returned later but as we stood, her tears blending effortlessly with the rain my parents medicated us in the one they could get away with in the daytime. (Brandy in hot milk was a bedtime favourite - don’t judge - they were different times). So we stood under the bus shelter with a packet of brown chocolate buttons, guaranteed to melt in your mouth and not in your hand and I instantly felt better. If we didn’t  find Mo then my sister would get over it. If it never stopped raining it would be like every other holiday. If my mums friends were dodgy swinger types it didn’t matter because we would never have to see them again. If Woodstock was just a little village without any spiky-haired yellow birds then I could live with that. I had my packet of Minstrels and I was in love.

Since then, we’ve barely seen each other but there was a war and the Long Suffering Husband put a huge packet in the fridge, which despite not being the place to keep them, was mostly fine. I resisted the temptation for weeks and then yesterday, just as the packet was teaching me how to communicate with more empathy I fell in love all over again. Anyone who has been through this will know how painful it can be. You are not in control. You know it’s wrong but every time you pass each other you just have to put her inside your mouth. It makes for an uncomfortable working relationship but what can you do?

So, after a whole packet of Minstrels pancake day had to be postponed. I know I broke the rules but what can you do when it’s love?

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