Sunday 4 April 2021


 There’s a controversy brewing on Twitter. Apparently, Easter is a thing that needs to be argued over. Who knew?

There are people who are cross because a political party has embraced it and those who are furious that others aren’t even mentioning it.

Then Professor Alice Roberts tweeted. “Just a little reminder today. Dead people - don’t come back to life.”

This upset Christians everywhere who thought they were being mocked by a biological anthropologist humanist. I can’t believe that they were surprised by that. 

I read it as a warning to dead people. Dear dead people, whatever you do, don’t come back to life. After the year we’ve had, all waiting for the zombie apocalypse it seems perfectly reasonable request. 

If she was trying to upset Christians then she must have not realised that they know that. The point about the Christian resurrection story is hope over a human’s worst fear. The idea that when you die then it’s the end. However, the belief that Jesus was so special then for him, it wasn’t is the ultimate hope. 

Most people in the UK aren’t really Christian but they’re not really anything else either. We’re not prepared to nail out colours to any religion but also needing the comfort of the rituals and joint celebrations.

Are any of us really prepared to give up the annual chocolate coma, getting together to eat lamb and hope for better things to come? Especially this year.

Whether you are Christian or any other religion then I would like to wish you a happy day, full of hope and chocolate.


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