Saturday 23 March 2013

Stuck to the Sofa

That's all I have to say.

It's cold, it's dark, it's wet and even the dog doesn't want to go for a walk and I am stuck to the sofa.
I've watched 2 films. Played silly games on the computer and looked out of the window at the grey sky, wondering if there will be any chance of growing anything this year.

Good Friday is the day when you should plant your potatoes but it's still snowing and the allotment isn't even fully dug.  Even if it wasn't snowing I still wouldn't be digging it because I'm stuck to the sofa.  Even though I need a wee and really must do some piano practice (so that Les doesn't arrive at the Church next week) I can't move.  I'm stuck.

The Long Suffering Husband has tried to help.  He's put his i-pod on full blast.  Even Basshunter and Nirvana at full blast can't untstick me from this sitting position.  The kids (the biggest arrived back from Uni yesterday, with a surprisingly small amount of washing) are not even making me move when I think I hear them arguing upstairs.  I'm just stuck.

I would read my book but it's upstairs and I'm here on the seatee, my rear firmly wedged into the dent that has been carefully cultivated over the years of sitting on it.  I would do the knitting that I can see on the other side of the room but it is there and I am here.

I'm sitting here, superglued in position wondering what would make me get up and I think, "Is it too early to go to bed?" Or maybe this article would do it:  Fat woman dies stuck to the sofa - The Sun

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