Saturday 29 December 2012

People of Maldon you are 'quackers' and I love you.

Having lived in Maldon for 18 years I am a newcomer.  The original Maldonites all know each other, have webbed feet and marry their cousins.  They drink a lot of beer and do crazy things.  They are loud and ruddy cheeked and full of enthusiasm for life.  This is the town that has the mud race but that isn't all.  Some days the quay is filled with Morris Dancers, boaty-types doing strange things with knots and rigging or church people holding sunrise Easter services.

Maldon Greenjackets

Today, while walking the dog we stumbled upon the annual Sponsored Row in aid of the RNLI.   Over 100 boats race the three miles along the freezing river, using muscle power only.  Today, must have been exceptionally difficult as the wind was threatening to take us all back to Kansas and then we saw the Tin Man, Scarecrow and Lion.  Before the start they were having to row pretty hard just to stay still.

A perfect example of the craziness of the people of this town was hearing someone say, "Oh look, Simon's on his surfboard and look the wind is blowing him backwards!"

The canoes and Kayaks set off first (including Simon), started by three loud bangs that sent the birds flying up and back onto the water all three times.
All sorts of craft entered
The RNLI team looked very smart

Fancy dress teams
Canoes, Kayaks and Simon

Then it was the turn of the row boats and finally the Juniors.  There was only one entry in the Junior class, so we hope he won something but after he set off we know why he had to go last.  He was without doubt the fastest!
The junior catching and overtaking the other rowers

The winners were greeted by the Mayor, who was there in is ambulance, as the on-call first-aider.  We didn't wait for that because we wanted to get home before the rain, so I can't tell you who won but as we walked past the ambulance the Mayor's wife was fussing over the fact that his chain didn't look very good over the top of his fleece.

Although, I will always be a 'newbie' in this town it is a pleasure to be part of such a crazy place.

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