Wednesday 3 May 2023

Revolutionary Royalist

 The upcoming Kingy Thingy, otherwise known as KC3C is pushing my split personality buttons. 

I watch the news and it’s all about the coronation or how awful everything is for ordinary people and a song starts in the back of my head. ‘Do you hear the people sing?’

The King would like every primary school to have a packet of seeds to celebrate his crowning day. That’s nice, wild flowers are good, better than a silver coin.

 ‘But we need paper and glue sticks and there isn’t enough to pay the staff.’

‘Let them eat cake.’

29,000 Police Officers will be on duty to protect the King that day. Protests have been banned, which is a shame because I love a witty banner and a bonkers protest song as much as I love pomp, gold coaches and choral music.

I think it’s costing too much money, although no one has confirmed exactly how much, how it’s broken down and who is paying for what. 

The stories in the press are making me twitch. Placed to win us round: Isn’t Camilla amazing? The King is using a recycled throne. It makes me wonder what is wrong with Camilla and how much it is costing to re-upholster the throne.

I want to make quiche, sit around the telly and eat scones, watching a well choreographed ceremony. I love watching the soldiers in red uniforms and bearskin hats because it reminds me of my grandad and the sound of trumpets reminds me of my dad. But there is a nagging doubt that I’m encouraging something unnecessary.

But do I want the women, interviewed on radio 4 who’ve been camping out for the last three days, to lose out? ‘Oh, just leave us alone! Everyone needs a hobby,’ they said in frustration. No. I want to encourage these unique people to enjoy their best lives. I want people to dress their dogs up to celebrate. 

Today I will be teaching a song written for the Coronation and at least three children will tell me that their mum is called Abby. Not Westminster Abbey but just as they always wonder who Albert Hall was they can’t quite grasp that buildings with names aren’t people. 

I do worry, though, because the Third Carolean age could be revolutionary. King Charles’ don’t have the best track record in history. 

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