Sunday 26 December 2021

We did it!

 Congratulations to everyone who survived Christmas. It’s not always an easy task, with so much pressure to be perfect, so much food and drink.

Those cooking dinner can now throw away their lists, delete the spreadsheets and prepare to live on the leftovers for the next week. 

Those who ate the food, will, hopefully be feeling more comfortable after a good night’s sleep and a morning elimination. The people who drank the drink might have a sore head but it will pass.

If you spent the day with people then your duty is done and you can re-charge your introvert batteries. If you spent the day alone then the world goes back to normal today (or as normal as it gets with a relatively new virus trying to overwhelm our fragile healthcare system)  and you can walk the streets without it feeling as though there has been a Zombie apocalypse.

If you are the Pope then you didn’t die, despite ITV news’ bulletin. I know this because of a long-running joke with a friend about him being the Pope (or running for Pope, I can’t remember now, as it’s been such a long time). Luckily, my friend hadn’t been subjected to the Long Suffering Husband’s Bailey’s measures and was able to check his pulse and let ITV know their story was wrong. 

It was fine though because the rest of the country was engaged in the annual Monopoly battle. 

However you spent the day yesterday, I hope it was as good as it could be but if it wasn’t then it’s important to remember that it is only one day and if you are reading this then you survived it.

Our family, not only survived but had a lot of laughs on the way and are now heading into my favourite day of the year.

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