Sunday 26 September 2021

Shoot the messenger, blame the victim

 I haven’t blogged much lately. Everything has been a bit much. I’m sure I’m not alone in that. Life paused and now it feels as though everything is trying to catch up on super speed.

In an attempt to keep my sanity, I’ve been trying not to look at my phone as much, stay off social medial and not trawl the news sites but it’s been impossible not to notice just how awful things are looking. 

Covid, Brexit, climate change, sexual violence, acceptance of trans people and poor service have all seen the wrong people get the blame.

According to Boris Kermit the Frog is responsible for climate change and the French are entirely to blame for trade difficulties  because they failed to ‘donnez moi un break’. Laura Keunsberg is responsible for everything to do with Brexit. Phil McCann is responsible for the shortages at petrol stations. The public are to blame for ambulances having to drive round until they find a petrol station with petrol. The press, in general, are the cause of the murder of the young teacher because they wrote a story about Strictly. Women are responsible for being attacked by a man. Staff shortages were the reason I didn’t get a meal in a restaurant last night (not a waiter who got the order wrong). People who find the phrase ‘bodies with vaginas’ , in an article in the Lancet about how women’s health has been under researched, to be dehumanising are  culpable for every attack on a trans person.

What has happened? Have we forgotten that we are not meant to shoot the messenger because then we stop finding out what is happening? Do we really want to blame the victim and allow the perpetrators to continue with their vile behaviour, unchecked?

It’s quite depressing. 

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