Friday 31 July 2015

Buon Complenno Nonna

On my last day of my holiday in Italy I dreamed in Italian. They say that you know you are properly fluent in a language when you dream in it. The problem is that apart from a few musical words, which although similar can have quite different meanings, I don't speak Italian at all. This resulted in a difficult night's sleep. I kept waking up feeling really confused.

In my dream I was racing around different places in Italy having passionate conversations with people in Italian. There was lots of gesticulating but only in the way Italians do when they are very excited by something; not in the way that the LSH does when asking for the menu or the bill in a restaurant to make himself understood. In the dream everybody understood me perfectly. Everyone except me, that is. There was a 'Letters to Juliette' quality to my dream. It was full of sparkling light, green vineyards and I was looking for someone.

Some of the words of my dream have stayed with me over the last few days. 
Di Nonna

I've looked the words up and they mean Grandmother ninety man birthday wish happy.

Oh, dear. It seems as though I was trying to find an Italian gigolo for my grandmother's ninetieth birthday! 

It's a shame it was only a dream and I failed because she would have loved it. 

Buon Complenno Nonna!

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