Monday 29 December 2014

Thing of the Year

I have resisted making any comment on the Times' naming of the Briton of the Year.  I don't think that they person they've named needs any more publicity and whatever the paper's true intention was he has received it.   People have taken to twitter make better suggestions and Times employees have defended the paper's decision.

I've always been sceptical about the value of awards but I was a shocked by this tweet. 

Does this mean that the empty brown envelope I received from the Mayor this year wasn't an endorsement?  I didn't take it very seriously at the time, was a little embarrassed by it and was a bit naughty during the meeting in which it was presented.  I just couldn't help myself as the man was wearing a dead badger around his shoulders, a lacy ruff that needed a fluff and a chain around his neck for flushing. 

Maybe I should have realised the irony of the award as the empty brown envelope has never been replaced with any kind of keepsake.  They could have put a note in it that said, "Ha ha!"

Now we know that any 'of the year' award is ironic puts a whole new perspective on The Times - newspaper of the year title.

I have some suggestions of my own for 'Thing of the Year'.

1. Ironing
 2. Hot flushes
3. Being 'Perfectly fine'
4. Anaemia
5. Working on a Sunday
6.  Brussel sprout eating caterpillars
7. Funerals
8. Missing Airplanes

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