Wednesday 25 September 2013

Mum and Dad

In our busy lives it is so easy to get caught up in everyday trivia that we can forget to say the things that are important to the people we love and care about. I'm not a very mushy or sentimental person so I don't often tell people I love them. I hope they know.

My parents do read my blog. I know that my Dad will say to my Mum, "She's written about you again," and so I would like to apologise because I'm going to do it again. I thought it was about time I told them how much I appreciate them for everything they've done, so here is a list of 20 things they've taught me.

1. Mum taught me to never be afraid to sing out loud. Opera is your friend and life isn't worth living if you can't belt out an aria in the privacy of your own kitchen.
2. Dad taught me not to play with sharp knives because bananas don't taste nice with the skins on.
3. Mum taught me that the libarary is free and has loads of books in it. We love books.
4. Dad taught me to be brave and stubborn and that you can make a deal with God if you promise to get a dog.
5. Mum taught me to question everything. She let me contantly ask, "why?" even though she desperately wanted a pushchair that faced the other way.
6. Dad taught me how to get grit out of my eye and that Weetabix with butter and jam is a good snack. (I don't know why I used to get lots of grit in my eye)
7. Mum taught me how to bake and let me make the pastry leaves for the top of the pie, put the sprinkles on the top of the trifle and didn't mind when I cried in the cheesecake.
8. Dad taught me how to double dig, about the difference between Kelvedon Wonder and Hurst Green Shaft and that there is nothing better than saying, "I grew that!" whenever anyone takes a bite.
9. Mum taught me that Goldfish can't drink Sherry - even at Christmas.
10. Dad taught me how to draw a cat.

11. Mum taught me that words that start with the same letter are interchangeable. Cyprus and Crete are the same place, aren't they?
12. Dad taught me that walking solves most problems.
13. Mum taught me that you can be an artist without wearing black turtle neck jumpers and having red painted nails but that as Dad had taught me to draw a cat I might like to consider other options.
14. Dad taught me that you can't always make your guests go home by putting on your pyjamas, setting your alarm clock and telling them that they are boring you.
15. Mum taught me that you and your husband need separate sheds.

16. Dad taught me to watch out for metal bars if you are telling others to be careful.
17. Mum taught me that the first thing you should do when shopping is have coffee.
18. Dad taught me that cats are not very good at taking cables under the floor boards.
19. Mum taught me to laugh a lot. She thinks postcards in a hospital are a good idea because then you could genuinely send 'wish you were here' (instead of me) cards to people.

20. Dad taught me that there is something funny in every situation and that laughing sometimes makes it feel better.

I love them both but you can see it is all their fault.

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