Sunday 22 September 2013


Today, I will be alone in the house for the first time in months. It's my day off: my son is at school, my daughter has gone back to University and the Long Suffering Husband is at work. This could make me a victim of 'empty nest syndrome'. I could walk around the house pining for my lost babies, thinking about how they used to need me and wondering what I'm going to do now that I've been made redundant from that particular job. I could wander into my daughter's room, excited that I can clean it properly and that it will stay clean and then sit on her bed crying into one of her jumpers that still smells like her but that's no fun. 

Today, I'm going to enjoy my empty house.
1. I'm going to play La Traviata at full volume and sing along, while I do the ironing (after I've done my vocal exercises of course)
2. I'm going to take the dog for a walk and stop at the swings and see if I can can flip right over the bars without anyone saying, "Oh mum. You're so embarrassing!"
3. I'm going to watch Jeremy Kyle, while cleaning the windows and try to rub the smug expression off his face, while shouting at him without anyone telling me to calm down.
4. I'm going to read my book in complete silence.
5. I'm going to bake a cake while watching New Tricks on the i-player without anyone pointing out what a terrible actor Dennis Waterman is.
6. I'm going to dance around the living room and see if I can twerk without anyone watching me.
7. I'm going to have a bath in the middle of the day without anyone banging on the door.
8. I could even walk around the house naked (maybe not)

It's not so much of an empty nest but more of a warehouse of possibility.

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