Thursday 25 July 2013

And Relax.....

The start of the school holidays mean different things for pupils, teachers and parents but however they feel about it,  it is a change in routine for all.  There is no longer a timetable to follow and this can be both liberating and a bit scary. It can be very difficult to relax after being so scheduled. Children complain of being bored because no one is telling them what to do next.

For many teachers the freedom of no routine causes a rebellion.  They lay in bed until 11 or 12 reading books or writing silly blogs, they go for coffee with a friend and come back 3 1/2 hours later, they go out for a meal with colleagues and get told off for being too noisy in the pub after and they go to the loo whenever they like.  They go swimming every day, they have a beautiful weed-free watered allotment and they cook decent meals for their family every night.  Their house is clean and they have conversations with their long suffering husbands that don't start with, "Can you just wait until I've finished marking this piece of work?" They even stay up past 10 o'clock at night.

This disgraceful behaviour should be stopped.  Someone should get the government onto it.  Long school holidays are clearly not good for anyone.

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