Sunday 20 January 2013

Snow Disappointment

This blog is inspired by a friend's daughter, who reminded me of how much I love J B Priestley by putting this quote about snow on Facebook this week. 

"The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event.  You go to bed in one kind of world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?"

We were all waiting for that magical event.  The TV, radio, weather apps all predicted loads of snow and it never really happened.  It's really cold and there is a light dusting, which does look quite pretty but if there isn't enough to build something with, what is the point?  I knew we wouldn't be able to match last year's igloo but I was hoping we might be able to make some snow lanterns. 

Mr Priestley has a quote for what has happened over the last few days,
"Living in an age of advertisment, we are perpetually disillusioned.  The perfect life is spread before us, but it changes and withers with the touch."

 Luckily someone posted a link on my Facebook timeline about making marbles by filling balloons with water and food colouring and leaving them outside to freeze.  We could only find tiny water balloons, so they won't be very impressive but we had great fun filling them and even added glitter to some.  If they work, we might get some bigger balloons tomorrow.  

A Chemistry set for Christmas containing pipettes was very useful
If it's not messy - it's not fun!

We had loads of fun and made loads of mess and I really enjoyed sharing my excitement with my son.  This week I have been thinking about another quote of J B Priestley's that sums up perfectly why my lost voice has made me so miserable and why I enjoyed making the marbles so much.

"To show a child what once delighted you, to find the child's delight added to your own - this is happiness."

Without my voice it has been very difficult to share my delight in music and singing and so my happiness has definitely been reduced. Each morning I have woken up and hoped that my voice would be back to normal because I very much believe this quote;

"I have always delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning."

And for two mornings there was magic.  For a whole day and a half I had a normal voice and I could share my delight with children and I was happy.  Can life really be this simple?  I think it is for me.  That and the humour.  I think I may have modeled my life on Priestley quotes.  Although, I chose to stay at 42, I wonder if this was the reason;

"She was a handsome woman of 45 and would remain so for many years."

It made me laugh many years ago but maybe somewhere in my sub conscience it stuck as being a good idea.
But this is the best advice I have ever read:

"Comedy, we may say, is society protecting itself with a smile."

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