Tuesday 14 May 2024

Well Read

The front page of the Times is full of misunderstanding. This is not that unusual. From the lofty position at the top of the news building, fronted by London Bridge and backed by the Shard, it can be difficult for the editor of the Times to understand everyday reality but rarely is is so starkly illustrated. 

There are often stories about how there are jobs for the unemployed, if only they’d “get on their bikes” and look for them, which is nearly always wrong. Normally, they’d leave insider trading stories alone because you don’t drop your friends in it but if it’s about Essex criminal buying flats in Dubai from prison then the term can be adopted with impunity. 

Do you remember Section 28? It was a piece of homophobic legislation that banned teachers from sympathetically answering confused children’s question. The Times seems to think that in the few dying months the Conservative Party can remain in power they will pass a dictat that is Section 28 for those who are triggered by transgender people. According to the article teachers must not talk about sex until children are 13 but must teach about online dangers, including revenge porn. Now, I wonder how that’s possible.

If all this wasn’t confusing enough, the front page also shows the first portrait of the King. I imagine the initial conversation went something like this.

‘Does your Highness have any wishes to how he is portrayed?’

‘Hmmm. One should appear well-read.’

My face in now well red at the joke that I’m sure many other people have made.

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