Tuesday 9 February 2021


 “That’s all we need!” I spat at the Long Suffering Husband, during the evening news.

He was confused. It was just a filler story about how people, who have nothing else to do, are walking. I do feel sorry for news people. It has been a very full-on year, without much variation. When there is only one story, you have to find different ways to tell it. 

He might have thought that I was upset that they were encouraging people to walk; taking up my empty spaces. This would have been a perfectly reasonable assumption, as they were talking about people who had discovered the joys of walking at night. This is a secret that I don’t particularly want to share. I want you to think that walking around town at night is cold, dark and scary. I’m greedy. I don’t want to share my space. I don’t want you to know that it’s calm, still and peaceful and one of my favourite walks of the day.

Very peaceful but terrible for photography

No. It wasn’t that. It was the title of the piece. They called it ‘Nightwalkers.’

I’ve seen enough Zombie Apocalypse films to know that having Nightwalkers isn’t a good thing. As if life  isn’t apocalyptical enough, we are encouraging more people to join the living dead and wander around outside in the wee small hours when they can’t sleep.

As I said: That’s all we need! 

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