Thursday 7 December 2017

So Wrong.

George Osborne, in his new role as editor of the Evening Standard, has tweeted a political cartoon from his paper. He is proud. He is petty. He is attacking a former colleague who got the job he thought he was going to have.

I could edit this picture to be the right way round but it is wrong anyway.

When I first saw it I was confused. Apart from it being blatantly sexist (you would never attack a man in power who you thought wasn’t doing a good job by drawing a cartoon of them naked) I just couldn’t see why he thought it was brilliant. I thought it was a reference to Bob Fosse’s Caberet dance moves. Was the cartoonist trying to draw parrellels between Sally Boweles and the pre-war KitKat club? Then I found that it’s an exact copy of a photograph of Christine Keeler, except the prime minister is scowling, rather than making the pouty face models are told to make to turn men on.

Less than two days after Christine Keeler’s death an image of her, that she was forced to pose for, despite not wanting to was used to shame a female Prime Minister, not for her policies but just because she is a woman! Geoerge Osborne should be hanging his head in shame. The same paper published a long piece on the Time Magazine person of the year. This year, they have named all the women who spoke out about sexual abuse. The Evening Standard praised these women and recognised that it could be a turning point; a chance for things to change. If only.

There will be people who don’t like the current Prime Minister who think this is very funny. It isn’t though, is it? It’s just I very bad taste. Christine Keeler is painted as a temptress, a seducer, who lured those poor old politicians to their downfall, whereas, she was an abused child, groomed by older men, taken advantage of and used as a scapegoat.

I would like to say more and be more coherent about this but I am just too depressed. It seems as though things will never change.

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