Saturday 28 January 2017

May I womansplain?

I find myself in a strange position of considering the possibility of defending Theresa May.

"Oh, Julia, you've changed," I hear you cry, "We thought we could rely on you to say how awful it is that she is cosying up to Trump."
Well, yes you can but...

I think you should talk to your enemies. How can you persuade them to your point of view if you don't listen to them and understand where they are coming from?

"But she seems to be agreeing with him," you shout in my face.

She could be. That would be worrying. She was a harsh Home Secretary, who I used to liken to the character in Hatrry Potter who wore pink fluffy outfits but was actually evil personified. I doubt that she and I share any values and I suspect that she won't condemn his immigration policy of not letting some people come home, or students from certain countries visit their parents until their course is over because she thinks it's a jolly good idea. However, she might just be playing her cards close to her chest.

You are frothing at the corners of your mouth as you spit, "WHAT! Didn't you see the lovey-dovey pictures? Holding his hand was the worst thing she could do."

I did see the pictures and I saw the video and I think she was holding his hand to keep it away from her ass. As they walked along the Colonnade you could see him put his arm towards her back before the view of them was obscured by a pillar, when you saw them again they were holding hands.

"But she was smiling!" You are not prepared to let me off the hook.

At the risk of womansplaining you need to know that this happens to women. It's what women do. A man tries to inappropriately touch you or makes a sexist comment in public and you smile and duck or grab his hand. Don't make a fuss. Never make a fuss. Just smile and keep going.  You might comment under your breath through gritted teeth, "Hands off, orange man!" if you feel safe but if there's any doubt you say nothing. I like to think that she felt safe because just before they let go he patted her hand in the way old men do when they don't want to let go.

It is quite terrifying that this man thinks he can treat a prime minister in this way just because she is a woman and we are all prepared to blame her.  Thank goodness she left Larry the cat at home.

Since I wrote this blog Number 10 has explained the hand holding by saying that Donald Trump grabbed her hand because he is afraid of stairs,which is the most bizarre thing for a president to be scared of but it would explain the hand patting.  She has also said that she doesn't agree with his immigration policy.

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