Sunday 7 September 2014

A little bit Eeyore

I've checked my tail; it's still there and no body has given me a popped balloon for my Birthday but I'm still feeling a little bit Eeyore.

Maybe it's because I've been back at work for a week? A week back in a primary school after a fantastic holiday is a test for anyone. A colleague said, "Love you," to the lady at the petrol station instead of, " Thank you," because she was so tired. It has been a week of tears and tantrums (and that's just the teachers) and by Friday there was hardly any space in cupboards for a tired, sobbing teacher to hide. All schools have large walk in cupboards for this purpose.

The shock of going back to a world where you spend the day in a room full of thirty people who tell it as it is has been difficult too. "Purleeese, did anyone fall for that story about the bear?" said a year  6, rolling her eyes while my belief that my Summer healthy eating and exercise regime had worked wonders was brought crashing down when a year 2 child asked me if I was having a baby.

But, despite all those things, I really quite like my job, so I don't think I can blame work for my Eeyorishness. 

Maybe I just feel glum. One of our orchestra members told me on Friday that he'd had a bad day and when I asked him why he said that he told me that he was just feeling glum and it was perfectly possible to feel glum without knowing why. Maybe, like Eeyore, you can just be a lugubrious person, who lives in a rather boggy and sad gloomy place but I don't live on the other side of the stream on my own and most of the time I think I'm a bit bonkers like Tigger.

Maybe it's because life can feel a bit precarious? My son fell, moving a grand piano and spent several hours in A&E on a Friday night, which is enough to make anyone feel miserable but he's fine, a quick healing sprain and he's already moving quite well. We're lucky.

Maybe it's the moon? I can see the moon from the car as we travel back from Leicester. The moon affects humans more than it does stuffed toys because of the water in our bodies. 

Or maybe it's because we are driving back from Leicester and the car has less stuff and one less person in it? Yes, I think that might be it. It has been great to have both children home for the summer. I have had a swimming buddy and someone to teach pastry cooking to (4 big spoons of flour rub in 1/4 pack of cold butter with cold hands stir 4-5 big spoons of cold water in with a knife until it starts to come together then squish it and roll it out - In case she's reading this as I don't think she wrote anything down). 

I know this Eeyore feeling won't last long though. I know that she's gone off for her final year of Uni and will have a brilliant time and I will be able to watch the TV without anyone talking through it. There will be less washing, more food in the fridge and hardly any reality TV shows on the telly. 

But for now Eeyore rules. 

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