Thursday 3 July 2014

When the Kids leave home.....

Ever since our children were born the Long Suffering Husband and I have joked that we live lives like the couple in the little German weather house.  We take it in turns to be out of the house or in charge of the children.

If we were in together it was always with the children and there was some freak weather pattern that made golf or music making impossible.

This week both children have been away and we've found ourselves in the house on our own.  The LSH was quite looking forward to it.  He'd made a mental list of things he'd like to do.  He thought it would be fun to be like newlyweds again and I think he even said, "We could walk around the house naked."  We thought the house would stay tidy, we wouldn't have to do any nagging and no one would say, "What's for dinner?"  We thought that we'd talk over an adult meal about our day and be able to discuss things we might not say in front of the children and we thought there would be no arguments over the TV and it might even stay off for a lot of the evening.

It seems, however, that we have no one to blame but ourselves.  We have still been out making music and playing golf (not together).  We haven't discussed our day because, well quite frankly, it's a bit boring isn't it.  The house hasn't stayed tidy because we've both been in too much of a rush and we just both asked each other what we were going to have for dinner. We've kept our clothes on because it would really be a bit gross to wander around with it all hanging out. There haven't been any arguments about the telly but that's only because I'm reading a good book and falling asleep on the sofa every evening.

Empty nest syndrome is not something we need to fear - nothing is going to change for us.

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