Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Most Depressing Day of the Year

In the world of Grumpy Old Women this is the most depressing day of the year. It's the day when you have to think about all the things about your life you are meant to change.  You are supposed to give up drinking, smoking, eating chocolate; lose weight and improve your life, and generally stop having fun.

Facebook is a long list of people saying that last year was terrible and how they hope that next year is better. My Twitter feed is a little more diverse but still mostly moaning.

Then you have to stay awake until midnight and pretend to be happy that another year has passed, when really all you want to have done was fall asleep on the sofa about two hours earlier.

The television and radio tell you about all the people that have died this year.  When I was a child I thought that all those people had died that day.  This year there are just over 11 minutes of notable UK deaths to watch.

Warning:  The above clip ends with a rather scary shot of Margret Thatcher after she appears to have made a Brownie promise.

The weather is miserable and it's dark all day, it's cold and it rains.

An intervention has been staged.  The dog has me pinned to the sofa and my son has put on the box set of Big Bang Theory.  Friends have been invited for dinner and silly games until we can pop the party poppers and open the bubbles.  I am now smiling lets hope I can stay awake for long enough.

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