Tuesday 5 February 2013

Happiness is a homemade biscuit

Today I am happy.  There is no damage to my vocal chords, no nodules, lumps bumps or anything that requires surgery.  I watched my vocal chords open and close as I sang, "eee" and although I need some vocal therapy to strengthen them I can carry on doing my job without doing any damage.  This news makes me happy and when I'm happy I bake.

Our family are being Hairy Dieters at the moment and so these happy biscuits will go to work with me tomorrow, where I estimate they will last about 2 seconds (if they're lucky).  I am so happy that I will also take them in my favourite tin.  

These biscuits are perfect because of a meeting of two happy things.  Firstly, the hospital was near Sainsbury's and so I was able to treat myself to Joanne Wheatley's book.  She was the winner of last year's Great British Bake Off, I follow her on Twitter and love that her grandchildren call her Nanny Cakes and she is always re-tweeting the pictures people send her of her recipes.  The most re-tweeted recipe is custard creams, so my bargain priced treat had to be first used for custard creams.

The second happy thing is my Christmas present from my Mum and Dad.  Loads of Lakeland vouchers and I finally spent them at the weekend. I had been into the store so many times but hadn't been able to decide what to get and then I remembered the internet, where you can put things in and out of your basket and shuffle things round until you have excatly the right amount.  It was so exciting having a big box of goodies arrive.

In this big pile of stuff were two brilliant baking sheets for making big batches of cookies and biscuits and smiley face cutters. 

I know that the next few weeks could be just as difficult as the last 8 but I will remain happy and keep baking.