Thursday 11 October 2012

You Know You're Getting Old...

Hashtag - '# you know you're getting old when' is trending on twitter.  Clearly, you know you're getting old when you don't know about hashtags and twitter and as they have prompted me to write this blog I'm obviously not getting old.
The statements people are making make me feel old.  Someone put, "You know you're getting old when you fall asleep on the couch and wake up on the couch," makes me think that this person is only just over 11.  I don't know any adult who gets carried up to bed.  Another, "You know you're getting old when the Disney Channel doesn't show anything you used to watch," again must be from a child.  Maybe it would be more appropriate to say, "You know you're getting old when you didn't realise there was a Disney Channel."

These are mine.

1.  You know you're getting old when you get told by your daughter not to tweet her friends.
2.  You know you're getting old when you work with people that could be your children
3.  You know you're getting old when you ache - EVERYWHERE - ALL THE TIME
4.  You know you're getting old when you don't fall asleep during Question Time.
5.  You know you're getting old when Tena Lady is you're new best friend.
6.  You know you're getting old when a child in your class absent-mindedly calls you 'Nanny'
7.  You know you're getting old when you laugh at jokes you've heard hundreds of times before just because you need to laugh at something.
8.  You know you're getting old when you're boobs rest on your belly (I think this works for men too)
9.  You know you're getting old when you can't find your keys and your family suggest you check the fridge.
10.  You know you're getting old when a late night out is going to watch a film that starts after 7pm.
11. You know you're getting old when you hear yourself saying the things you parents said to you when you were a 'grown up teenager'.  Things like, "When you get a house of your own I'm going to come round and leave all the lights on!"
12.  You know you're getting old when you get excited about a notebook as a birthday present. (It's a lovely notebook - thanks mum - and has jokes about weeds!)
13.  You know you're getting old when jokes about weeds are your favourite.
14.  You know you're getting old when you want to tell children off in the supermarket.
15.  You know you're getting old when you have an early night and both sit in bed with your reading glasses on.
16.  You know you're getting old when you can list 15 things in a few seconds without pausing for breath.

But one of the tweets said, "you know you're getting old when you can't remember the last time you played wink murder," so the wonderful thing is teachers can't be old until after retirement no matter how old we might feel.

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