Saturday 6 January 2024

The Twelth Day of Cheesemas

 That’s it. You’ve done it. It’s over for another year. You don’t have to eat cheese again for 350 days. You could even throw yourself completely into Veganuary if you’re into self-punishment. The cheese is gone and you’ve had the epiphany.

History tells us, the four wise men looked at the sky. They saw a huge star and thought it meant a baby was born. Looking at the star gave them a craving for cheese, as it was so big it reminded them of the moon. They got together a caravan to put all their cheese in for the journey. Artaban missed the caravan because he was looking for pearls of cheese which he later used to swap for a woman. The other three set off, camping across the desert and eating cheese. They were so pleased with their discovery that they stopped off to tell King Herod, who completely misunderstood and set about killing real Jewish babies.

You see, everyone suggests that the wise men were not that clever. I mean who takes myrrh (a scent you wash dead bodies in) as a present for a baby? A pair of booties or a crocheted blanket would be far more useful but they weren’t stupid. The clue is in the name. They were wise men. They took ‘gifts’ that could be used as money. Because they knew there would be an epiphany when they got there.

The epiphany was….

You don’t have to get cheese in such large amounts.

They found baby cheeses. 

The baby cheesus 

It’s why Artaban didn’t need to go - he already had mozzarella pearls. 

To celebrate the 12th and last day of Cheesemas I had a mini babybel. Although, my personal motto remains: cheese is for life, not just for Christmas.

Note: I am aware that this is blasphemy and is not the story told in the many books of the bible. Also, the 4th wise man was from a novel not the actual bible. However, my blog has never promised to be the complete truth. 

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