Wednesday 15 November 2023

Minister for common sense

 So, it’s politics that draws me back into blogging (or maybe it’s editing). I’m quite surprised. There are other things I find more interesting. However, I seem to be drawn to the tragic comedy.

Amongst the news about David Cameron (not an MP or even currently serving in the Lords) being made foreign Secretary I missed another interesting appointment. This was probably due to the amount of baffled swearing alternating with confused hysterical laughter that the Long Suffering Husband and I were doing.

Esther McVey was appointed as a Minister without portfolio. 

Ms McVey (never call her Esther) is one of those Tories that I will never understand. So far right she’s nearly left. And I know it’s Scousist but her accent just grates. 

It’s not uncommon for Ministers to be appointed to the cabinet without a specific role. Sometimes it’s just for balance: token woman, someone who didn’t go to public school, or just to add an annoying accent to the team. 

The political press pack, who will have been talking to people who know why she’s there have labelled her the Minister for…..wait for it….make sure you are not drinking a hot cup of tea..minister for….are you ready? COMMON SENSE!  You snorted tea over your phone? I did warn you. 

Common sense!


There is no such thing as common sense. If there were we wouldn’t need politicians. It is their job to listen to all the things that different groups or types of people think are common sense and decide (collectively) on the best course of action. 

Ms McVey looks like a daytime TV presenter and the early day motions that she has supported show an interest in pubs, allotments, physics teachers and hunting. 

Her idea of common sense might be very different from mine or yours. 

However, she could start by pointing out that David Cameron’s appointment is completely nonsensical and that there’s nothing common about it. 

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