Thursday 16 June 2022

Secretly Impressed

 I’m very busy at the moment. In truth, I’m not really coping with it all.

“How long until the Summer holidays?” my daughter asked, concerned.

“Not long enough to fit everything in,” I replied 

I’ve reached the gliding around looking like nothing bothers me stage, which I know is dangerous. I’m like the calm before the storm. Watch out world, she could blow at any moment.

It’s why I haven’t written. When you are trying to keep it together it’s best not to look under that calm surface.


I can’t sit by and not comment on the masterstroke of manipulation that is the deportation flights to Rwanda.

They didn’t care if anyone went on a flight to Rwanda. That wasn’t the point. In fact, no flight played right into those master manipulators hands.

Do you remember Brexit? Brexit happened because they’d managed to convince the majority of people that nothing was their fault. It was all because of immigrants and the EU. It was a get out of jail free card. What have they got to blame now? People had stopped talking about immigration and the EU can only roll their eyes in disgust about our stupidity. 

They’ve tried to blame the EU for the border on the Island of Ireland but the Irish are too savvy and aren’t prepared to be a London government’s whipping boy again. The peace agreement is too important.

Brexit mouthpiece, Farage complained recently that Brexit wouldn’t be done until all human rights were abolished. Bring back the slave trade! 

I think he gave them ideas. If the blame can’t be laid at Ireland’s or the EU’s door then it must be someone’s fault? Who can they blame? Let’s shove some brown Muslims on a flight to somewhere they don’t want to go and when they kick up a fuss we can blame them for everything.

A party? Not my fault. It was those other people.

The rhetoric has suddenly returned. ‘How can we let all these people in?’ ‘Where are we going to put them?’ ‘We’re full!’ ‘Blooming Europe! How dare they stop us getting rid of these migrants.’ 

Now the government are talking about not being part of the European Convention  for Human Rights, so Farage gets what he wants. It might be a good time to invest in leg iron manufacturers. 

I can’t help being secretly impressed. Horrified but impressed.

Or am I being paranoid; using my overthinking skills as a displacement tactic?

My son thinks not.

“To be impressed by your enemy allows you to really know them,” he says.

“Who said that?” I asked, loving the quote.

“I did,” he replied.

It’s good to know that nothing really changes.

I’m going to sneak a puppy picture in to illustrate just how impressed my dog is with my paranoid thinking skills.

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