Thursday 29 July 2021

I know

 The commentators on the Covid numbers are confused.

“We don’t understand,” they say “The numbers were meant to go up after freedom day.”

But the cases have gone down. Deaths and hospital admissions are still rising. They don’t understand that either but these numbers are always two weeks behind. Also, the rate of increase is slowing so they will also start to come down. 

Maybe the vaccines are working?

Maybe the virus has burnt itself out?

Maybe people aren’t testing? 

They make suggestions but they don’t understand. The numbers of cases has never gone down without a lockdown. This is true (sort of). I say sort of because before every lockdown there was a slow in the rate of rise. It’s almost as though us humans could see what was happening and took steps to deal with it without guidance from the politicians.

I am joking of course.

If you worked in a school, you will have seen that the week before any major lockdown, there were more kids out of school, self-isolating, than in school. Not many of us expected to get through to the end of term , just in the way that all the Christmas events had to be cancelled.  Maybe that was what caused the fall in the rate before the lockdown happened?

I keep notebooks of all the figures and can tell you that the rate of rise of infections started to fall on the 20th of July. This was the day before our last day. Many schools had already broken up.

So, what has caused the cases to fall? Now let me think? Could it be that no one is in school? No! Surely not. There’s no spread in schools is there? Children don’t get sick so a school can’t be a festering Petri dish of virus. That would just be stupid.

*whispers* but we all know, don’t we?

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