Thursday 30 January 2020


I haven’t mentioned Brexit in a while. No one has. Since the General Election, the government banned the word and people stopped talking about it but as the first deadline of so-called Brexit Day is tomorrow (31st January), the government has started to parody itself.

For someone like me, it’s like watching a live version of Monty Python. If you are too young for Monty Python then I’m sorry for you. It was funny. Now, things that look or sound like a joke are actually real.

First, there was the new 50p. Sajid Javid was pictured holding the newly minted coin, looking rather like Gollum, sibilantly whispering, “My precious!” The words on the fifty pence seem overly optimistic.
Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations
Leaving the European Union, shouting, “Goodbye, we’ve always hated you. Stick your bendy bananas where the sun don’t shine,” probably isn’t going to help that aim.
The picture on the reverse will have geographers and their coloured pencils twitching with fury.

Then there was the tea towel. I’m quite partial to a commemorative tea towel. I prefer it to a mug, probably because it’s easier to store. When I first saw it, I thought it was a joke. It looks like a joke.

However, it’s not a joke. It’s available from the Conservative party shop for £12, where you can also buy a mug, fridge magnet or badge. I’m torn. I want a 50p and a tea towel and I hate myself for it.

As parodies go Michael Gove is always up there. Yesterday, he was on the TV complaining that after the 31st he will have to be better. He said, “In a post Brexit world there will be no hiding for politicians like me.” The sudden realisation that he wouldn’t be able to blame the EU for all governmental failings seemed to weigh heavy on him.

Finally, the Brexit party MEPs had their last session and I watched this clip on Twitter Tweet of video - Brexit Party’s last party unable to believe what I was seeing. Nigel Farage was so obnoxious they turned his microphone off. The other members of his party were having a jolly good party, waving flags and shouting hip hip hooray. Really, if you made this up then nobody would believe you.
Channel 4 showed a fly-on-the wall documentary about Nigel Farage that made him and Richard Tice   look like they were in an episode of The Thick Of It.

Whether leaving the EU is good or bad for our country remains to be seen and we won’t know that until at least the end of 2022, when all trade negotiations have to be completed and the EU give us the bill for the services that we have continued to use and we have to do without those services. However, I’m quite enjoying the pantomime of it even though I know I shouldn’t.

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